I think that haunted houses are macabre.Need some inspiration to help you incorporate these adjectives that start with "m" into your conversations and essay writing? Review this selection of example sentences to illustrate how these vocabulary words can be used. mysterious - can't easily be understood or accounted for hard to explainĢ0 Example Sentences Featuring M-Adjectives.multipurpose - fulfills more than one purpose.moody - characterized by frequent changes in mood or behavior.misleading - deceptive, giving the wrong impression.miserable - very unhappy a tiny amount of something.mindful - conscious awareness being president in a moment.mild - gentle in nature or flavor not easily provoked.meticulous - exacting, precise paying extreme attention to detail.metallic - having properties of a substance that is metal.

mercurial - likely to suddenly change one's mind.maniacal - excessively enthusiastic, perhaps to the point of insanity.malleable - capable of being changed or molded, adaptable.maladapted - not properly adapted to, poorly suited.magnanimous - big-hearted and generous, moral.madescent - becoming damp or slightly wet.macroscopic - so tiny that it cannot be seen by the naked eye.macrocephalous - having a very large or long cranium.Machiavellian - characterized by craftiness and duplicity.macabre - ghastly, gruesome or horrifying.If you're looking for some less common adjectives that begin with "m" to liven up your writing or conversations, you might find just what you're looking for in this list. 25 Less Common Adjectives That Start With M